I haven't updated in a while. My bad. ^^ Things have been crazy and I work constantly. In between reading, writing, working, and other misc projects I haven't had time to do anything and I apologize. :(
I've been working on a massive FST (fan soundtrack) for Cassandra Clare's “The Mortal Instruments” series for the first three books City of Bones, City of Ashes, and City of Glass. When I say “massive” I mean massive. So much epic music on this thing it's gonna rock some socks off. Some of the artists include Within Temptation, Nightwish, and several others. Oh yeah. ^_____^
As for writing, I've been discussing with my people that help me about my Everlnd series. Daddy and I have decided how the Gryffon's Spire will effect each race on Everlnd. We've also found out what the Spire will hold on each race (Sprites [Fire, River, Sun, Forrest], Elv [Light, Dark, Rogue], Harlequin, Ednorite, Grimvore, Pranasyphon, and Anathyte) for that outcome to occur. We done a little work on Noxterra (bad ass bitch. XD) and her views. When we created Noxterra, he made her in a way that I didn't understand, but now I do. People will love her...or hate her.
While I'm talking about Everlnd, I'm also stuck for what genre I want to write this for. The bigger types of books these days tend to be Paranormal Romance and Young Adult, but...I don't know if I could make Everlnd in either of these categories because it doesn't quite fit into PR and the sexual undertones are TOO much for YA. Daddy said that I should just write it and see where it goes. I suppose I should do as he says. No point in worrying about something that hasn't even been written. XD
Androlite Writes and I (with her husband) have also been working on the Paranormal Romance series we've created called The Dark Hour Chronicles. We've gotten some of the first book written, but the big things we've gotten out of the way are our main characters, antagonists, protagonists, and what we generally want to happen in each book. I cannot wait to get down and dirty and really get this project into gear (but I'm going to try to mostly work on Everlnd since it is muh baby).
I've also been very beside myself with the tragedy that occurred in Japan. I'm a HUGE fan of anime and manga and the type of person that fangirls over that particular lifestyle so it's hit me hard as well. I hope that everyone is keeping them in their thoughts and prayers! I know I pray to the God and Goddess for all of them to be well and also for safe passage for the souls to the other side. I also donated (yay me!!) and I hope everyone reading this has as well.
Well, ladies and gents; readers and writers, that is it for the update. I should be posting the FST for the TMI fans (and Cassie Clare) here in a couple of days or a week at the most.
Until then, stay safe everyone!